Thursday, February 21, 2008

Image Analysis

The image on the left has various components placed strategically to provide the viewer with an absolute representation. It has an element of reality to it but at the same time we notice that the image is a piece of art. The image contains a wide range of colors that, when analyzed rhetorically, we see how and why they’re positioned where they are. The illustration has a three-dimensional look to it although it is presented in two-dimensions. The spaceship is placed strategically in that corner with the intention of catching the eye of the viewer. When you originally see this image you probably think that the huge machinery floating in space is a satellite, but after some research we learn that it is actually an enormous antenna. This out of the ordinary piece of equipment is used to supply the spaceship with wireless energy in space and is also known as a rectenna.


1 comment:

Robbie said...

This image is perfect for conversation. It can be interpreted in many different ways. Rene clearly explains how it is in fact a satellite contrary to your first thought about the image.